About Us
Hotel Developers (Lanka) Ltd (HDL) is a 100 % Government Owned, public listed Company owning Hilton Colombo.
On 15th March 1983, Lanka Japan Hotels, a Public Limited Liability Company was incorporated under the Companies Act to implement the Colombo Hilton hotel project. On 20th October 1983, the company changed its’ name to Hotel Developers (Lanka) Limited. In Jan 1984 a Management Agreement was signed with Hilton International to manage the Hotel.
In April 2008 the Company was re- registered as Hotel Developers (Lanka) Ltd in terms of the new Companies Act of 2007
In November 2011 the entire shares of the Company was vested with the Government in terms of Revival of the Underperforming Enterprise or Underutilized Assets Act No. 43 of 2011.
A new Management Agreement was signed in Oct 2012 and in terms of which, HDL has undertaken to refurbish Hilton Colombo.
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Grace Kitchen
About Hilton Colombo

Hilton Colombo was constructed by a consortium comprising Mitsui & Company. and Taisei Corporation on a fixed price turn-key basis. The design plans were developed by Kanko Kikaku Sekkeisha, Yozo Shibata Associates, a leading firm of Japanese architects. Technical assistance was provided by Hilton International throughout the construction period.
The hotel was opened for commercial operations in September 1987.
The refurbishment which commenced in 2014 is being carried out in a phased out manner while the Hotel is in operation and the Phase 1 covering the Main Kitchen, Lobby, All Day Dining Restaurant, Executive Lounge, Coffee Shop and the Reception have been completed in August 2017. Phase 2 of the Refurbishment program covering the Rooms and the Chinese Restaurant will commence in October 2018 and is expected to be completed in July 2020.